Last Minute Gifts

Ever forget your best friends birthday was coming up? Or your wife/husband? We’ve all been there. Some more than others.

Here are some great last minute gift ideas, and some great ways to bring a smile to your loved ones faces.

  1. Home made or store bought gift baskets. Store bought = quick and easy. It’s the thought that counts, right? Home made = a little more time and effort, but you can pick what’s in the basket. More personalized to taste, again it’s the thought that counts!
  2. Gift cards! Not just a food or store gift card though. Get something for an activity or event they would be interested in. Like Go Kart racing, or a painting class/wine tasting.
  3. A Piñata. Hear me out.. you can buy them empty and fill them with whatever you want, doesn’t need to be candy! Put some cash in there, some little wine and/or whiskey bottles (plastic of course), trinkets, anything they might like.

There are a ton of lists of last minute gift ideas online, but you’ll probably find they’re all pretty much the same and they’re basically advertising products.

Even if it’s last minute.. make it count. Don’t just go grab a Starbucks gift card because a news outlet says it’s a great gift idea. Unless they REALLY like Starbucks. In that case… gift basket mug, gift card, candy, boom - done.

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