Viridis Maga Enchanted Candles

Unveil the Magic: Viridis Maga Enchanted Candles

Welcome to Viridis Maga, where each candle is meticulously crafted with specific intentions in mind. Whether you burn them during rituals or simply to create a delightful ambiance, these candles are designed to align with your intentions.

Intention is at the heart of each handmade creation. While they come imbued with particular purposes, the true magic lies in your own intentions. As you light these candles, infuse them with your desires, and let the energy unfold.

Explore my matching miniatures to extend the enchantment, each crafted with the same meticulous attention to detail. Additionally, delve into my collection of body oil melts, perfect for warming in a wax melt warmer (electric or otherwise) or by hands, creating a sensory experience that resonates with your chosen intention.


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